Ritos III

photo: Juan Carlos Poblete
A big thank you to everyone who participated and did this festival
to a fantastic meeting place for innovation and co-creation
Friday 3/7
13.00 birds_bones_bugs_bitches
Video & object installation by Benedikte Esperi
17.30-18.30 Reconciliation (arrival ritual by Jorge Alcaide)
Malin Ruberg, Maria Lindell, Sabina Axelsson, Jonny Berg, Sebastian Ruiz Bertilson, Anna Emilsson, Nilla Björkman, Ida Juvonen
music: August Norborg + ensemble
19.00-20.00 Places & spaces
Anders Hagberg - Johannes Lundberg and Lina Lundin
20.00 PAIAP (outdoor act) http://www.paiap.org/
20.30- 21.30 I am two people
Solo electronic music performance by August Norborg
Saturday 4/7
10.30-12.00 Pernilla Ljungkvist / The Psychic Artist - Gives You the Gift (First Try)
13.00 birds_bones_bugs_bitches
Video & object installation by Benedikte Esperi
15.00-16.00 Reconciliation (arrival ritual by Jorge Alcaide)
Malin Ruberg, Maria Lindell, Sabina Axelsson, Jonny Berg, Sebastian Ruiz Bartilson, Anna Emilsson, Nilla Björkman, Ida Juvonen
music: Baldor + ensemble
16.00 -16.40 Yogic chants / mantras
by and with Sabastian Ruiz Bartilson
17.00 - 17.45 Silent God
concert / performance by My Hellgren- cello & Jorge Alcaide sound and movement
18.00- 18.30 Ritual music from Australia, Mali and Morocco
Said Belhaj, Johan Johansson, Said Said Bija ouane and Carl af Ekstam
Three acts in one:
19.00 Priest of Nothingness
performance by Jan Rådvik
19.30 -19. 40 Three modulations for Agnes Thörn
Composed by August Norborg, performed by Agnes Thörn
19.40 - 19.50 Luciérnaga
light and dance performance by Ida Juvonen
20.00- 20.30 Andinación
electro- ritual music by Luchano Muñoz
20.30 - 21.30 Lecheburre (outdoor concert- weather permitting- otherwise impromptu concert inside the temple -mistica flow)
22.00- 23.00 Organic Assamblage II -Sound And Visual Installation
by Baldor & Dröm https://www.facebook.com/events/1366154200254711/
23.00- 3.30 Night jam (welcome to spend the night in the temple or outside to low-pitched music, bring sleeping bag and mat, max 20 people)
3.30 -4.30 Rito del despertar (the full moon meets the sunrise and we agree through a ritual that starts in the dark and the cold and ends up with the sun and the four winds)
by Juan Carlos Poblete
11.00-13.00 Symphony therapy (Instead of talk therapy, two people can be allowed to be in the temple themselves for 15 minutes through a guided tour and meet wordlessly through sound and vibration) by Jorge Alcaide
13.00 birds_bones_bugs_bitches
Video & object installation by Benedikte Esperi
15.00-16.00 Reconciliation 2 (arrival ritual by Jorge Alcaide)
Participates musicians from Gothenburg's alternative orchestra
and Maria Lindell - dance
11.00-13.00 Symphony therapy (Instead of talk therapy, two people can be allowed to be in the temple themselves for 15 minutes through a guided tour and meet wordlessly through sound and vibration) by Jorge Alcaide
Three acts in one:
16.00 Priest of Nothingness
performance by Jan Rådvik
16.30 -16.40 Three modulations for Agnes Thörn
Composed by August Norborg, performed by Agnes Thörn
16.40 - 16.50 Luciérnaga
light and dance performance by Ida Juvonen
18.00- 18.40 Vallrop
concert by o with Katja Eillertsen & Jorge Alcaide
19.30 -20.15 Cantacto
Anki Wallgren Ebonsdotter: voice
Open Stage Temple (more features to come)
Prices and Reservations:
SEK 100 for all files unless otherwise stated and bookings are made through Kulturtemplet@gmail.com
If you have a ticket, you can also go on other acts in connection with half the price, subject to space.
Important information:
We will check how many people come through bookings and already have a restriction of 20 people inside the Culture Temple.
No alcohol will be served or allowed inside the room, feel free to bring extra clothes as it is cold down in the temple.